Know When To Walk Away

“Respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that does not serve you, grows you, or makes you happy.”
– Robert Tew

Sometimes walking towards your best life requires you to walk away from people and behaviors that do not support your life goals.  This includes unhealthy relationships of any kind, bad habits, and negativity. At times, people leave your life unexpectedly and you have no control over how or when they exit. Other times, you need to gather up every ounce of your courage and decide to walk away.

Recently, a coaching participant asked me a brilliant question. “Mettie, she asked, how do you know when to walk away?”

I created this post to help others answer this same question. Below is a guideline to help you make an informed and peaceful decision.

What to know before you go:

– Life is consistently surrounding you with people and situations that stimulate growth. Growth can sometimes be painful.  Because of this, you need to know the difference between pain that helps you grow and pain that stunts your growth. If someone or something is challenging you and building you up, that is good pain. If they are sabotaging your progress, undermining your beliefs, or breaking you down, that is bad pain that should be cut out of your life immediately.

-Do not let the fear of standing alone stop you from moving forward. There will be times you need to stand alone to prove to yourself that you can.

-If you take one step back towards the negativity, do not beat yourself up. Decide today to take two steps forward and you will come up on top every time.

-Do not ever withdraw from anything or anyone because of anger or resentment.  Those emotions will come and go frequently so they should not dictate your life’s decisions. Leave/walk away to let go of the hold they have over you.

– Finally and most importantly, ask yourself if being with that person or participating in that behavior honors your soul. Let that answer guide your steps.

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