Find Your Anchor


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At times my internal ring around the rosy with anxiety and depression exhausts me in every sense of the word. In those times the only thing I can clench on to with white knuckles is my anchor. My anchor stabilizes me when I start to drift from my place of peace and wholeness. It is a permanent structure that never changes and is always available.

I have learned that my genetics are not under my control but my conditioned responses to stress and sadness are. I can control how far I let myself drift from my anchor and how dark I will let things get before I ask for help.

My anchor is my faith in God. The closer I draw to Him, the more still and stable I become. Your anchor may not be God. It may be nature, karma, or science. The aim is having something you believe in whole heartedly that will never disappoint you. A safeguard you can embrace when you feel like you are being puréed in the blender known as life.

If you are currently struggling and in the midst of darkness, DO NOT GIVE UP! Hold on; the pain will end. Your best and brightest days are still to come! Until then, let hope for tomorrow anchor your soul today.

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