Build Powerful Confidence & Energy that Lasts

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Are you mentally and physically drained or lacking the confidence needed to turn your goals into realities? If so, this post is for you! In order to live a fiercely empowered life you must have glowing inner confidence and accessible energy. This concept sounds simple but I coach people every single day who waste their precious physical and mental energy on people and thoughts that do not serve them. As a result, chronic fatigue, stagnation and a lackluster life becomes their reality. This post will give you direction and “energized” action steps to build powerful confidence and energy that lasts!

The first step in cultivating deep-rooted confidence and energy is taming and empowering your thoughts. The exercises used in this post are incredibly effective, however, in order to reap their benefits they require consistent practice and patience. You did not become who you are overnight and you cannot change how you think overnight. Practice this exercise every day until healthy and empowering thought habits come naturally to you.

Exercise #1: Empower your Thoughts like a Boss!
“Your mind is an instrument. Learn to be its master, not its slave.” -Unknown


Interrupt negative, anxiety producing and unnecessary thoughts and replace them with an empowering fact.


This process breaks damaging repetitive thought habits, reinforces healthy thoughts and productive actions. Changing your thoughts changes your actions which directly affects what you accomplish!


  1. Become aware of your thoughts through passively observing them as they arise or by writing them down. Start by noticing what thoughts you have in the first five minutes of waking and where your mind wanders when you should be completing routine tasks (brushing your teeth, driving to work, checking social media, etc.)
  2. Abruptly stop and do not complete any negative, anxiety producing and/or unnecessary thoughts. Thoughts arise all of the time but you decide what value (time and energy) you dedicate to them. Examples of the types of thoughts to interrupt include: “Lisa looks so much better in her swimsuit than I do. Where are her stretchmarks?”, “There is no way I change now. I should have started changing my life 20 years ago.”, “My boss is an idiot.”
  3. This step is optional but encouraged for the first week of your practice. Wear a rubber band on your wrist and snap it each time you interrupt a thought to become aware of how often negative thought patterns emerge in your daily life.
  4. Replace the thought with a fact that can empower you!  Examples: “I can’t change my past but I can shape my future”, “I forgive myself or (insert name)”, “All I can do is my best”, or “I choose to let go of unfounded fears”.

The second step in cultivating lasting confidence and energy is learning to control your personal energy.  Have you ever noticed that being around certain people or activities drain every ounce of your energy while others leave you feeling refreshed and energized?  I see this a lot in coaching. Clients will come in deflated and defeated but by the end of our session they are alive with passion and purpose!

Going forward, reserve your time and energy (thoughts and actions) for people and activities that reflect health, growth and positivity. Day by day, moment by moment, move your life toward only things that truly engage and energize you!  For a free personal power cheat sheet that outlines energy wasters, multipliers and crucial questions to ask before engaging click here.

For more exclusive inspiration and purpose filled action steps, join our free 5 step plan to live an empowered life by clicking on the image on the top right of your screen or subscribe for our weekly tips! Join our awesome Facebook community group here!

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Everyone can use more confidence and energy so share some love and share this post on to friends and family!

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