Empowering voices to save lives!
Mettie Spiess is the 2016 National Alliance on Mental Illness Education Advancement Award Winner, International Keynote Speaker and the Founder of Hope Heroes Unite. She is known as a champion of change and a voice of hope for diverse audiences including school districts, universities, corporations, and health advocacy organizations. Year to date she has trained over 15,000 students, educators, and corporate leaders in her signature “EmPOWERed Voices Save Lives” program and support curriculum.
Mettie connects with audiences through unmasking her journey with mental illness, losing two brothers to suicide and the lessons she has learned from uniting survivors across the country. Through powerful personal stories and engaging exercises, attendees gain specific skills to start and maintain a mental health movement, build up the leaders around them to effectively support those in need, and adopt a stigma-free culture.
Hope Heroes Unite was founded in 2014 after Mettie tragically lost her beloved brother Ed to suicide. Prior to that, Mettie was a full-time corporate Certified Health and Wellness Consultant for seven years. Mettie continues to partner with HR teams to empower their employees to take charge of their physical, mental, and emotional health. Together, they maximize employee engagement, retention, and talent.
In 2016, Mettie received the Education Advancement Award from the National Alliance on Mental Illness for her work to break the silence and end stigma associated with mental illness by providing education, raising awareness, and promoting recovery across her home-state of Wisconsin.
She believes that anyone can live mentally well regardless of diagnosis with the right tools and support and that suicide is 100% preventable.
Mettie’s note to those surviving bullying, mental illness, and suicidal thoughts:
Dear friend and survivor,
I know what it is like to feel broken and scared to your core. How pain and fear can bury so deep inside of you that it radiates out of your bones and colors your entire world. It is easy to convince yourself that you are damaged, that things won’t change and nothing good can come from someone or something that feels so broken. This is not true!
I don’t think our paths in life are chosen based on our strengths. They are paved with our imperfections and challenges. When we are deficient in something, we seek a faith in something bigger than ourselves and support from others. It is when we don’t seek a community of support when our suffering lingers and multiplies.
No one on earth is here just for themselves. Let this fact comfort you when you feel alone. We are here to benefit mankind and to serve a unique purpose. My purpose is to empower you with tools to live in freedom not imprisonment. No matter where you are now, or what you’re going through, you can heal! The time to go beyond fear, stand in your strength and own your power is NOW.
Sending strength and hope,
To contact Mettie for speaking or QPR training requests or to just say hello email Mettie@InspireHopeBlog.com, use the contact page or call 262-425-0289. Also, connect with hundreds of Hope Heroes in the Inspire Hope Blog Facebook Community (here) :)!