

Lifesaving Hotlines and Organizations for All:

Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK
Help Finding a Therapist: 1-800-THERAPIST (1-800-843-7274)
Panic Disorder Information Hotline: 1-800- 64-PANIC
Adolescent Crisis Intervention & Counseling Nineline: 1-800-999-9999

National Alliance of Mental Illness
National Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

Suicide Awareness Voices of Education
The Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide
The World Mental Health Organization
Operation Reach Out- Mobile App

Disclaimer:This site is not intended to provide medical advice. The content on is designed to support, not replace any medical or psychiatric treatment. If you are in an emergency, please call 911.